Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Year 13 Critical Investigation Proposal

Year 13 Critical Investigation Proposal 

Working Title

How and why have Teenagers been represented as delinquents across platforms such as Broadcast and print? 


How are the representations/stereotypes portrayed by the media affecting teens across the UK and has it affected their image?


Negative representations by the media has led to delinquent behaviour as seen by some teenagers who resort to violent means-> self fulfilling prophecy (Living up to label)

Linked Production Piece

Music video similar to ill manors expressing feelings about the negative representation received / label that has been attached

M (media language) – Low key lighting/high key represent status, baggy clothes -> tend to be branded, close up shots and with panning, quick cuts/fade effect 

I (Institution) – Channel Aka -> British digital satellite TV channel It is a music channel (supports the UK urban movement), focusing on playing upcoming UK urban/grime/hip-hop music and has helped the breakthrough for acts such as Tinchy Stryder, Tinie Tempah, Chipmunk, Wretch 32, Devlin etc

R (Representation) – Tend to be represented as trouble makers who participate in anti social behaviour, unfair representation as not all teens are delinquents, Figures show more than half of the stories about teenage boys in national and regional newspapers in the past year (4,374 out of 8,629) were about crime. The word most commonly used to describe them was "yobs" (591 times), followed by "thugs" (254 times), "sick" (119 times) and "feral" (96 times).

A (Audience) – D, E -> Unemployed Youth, Aged 14-25, Personal Identity, Gender -> Male, escapism -> music as a way to get away from problems surrounding them

I (Ideologies) – Youth are seen as feral /Thugs, All teens share the same characteristics and share an anti-subculture, Cultivation theory

N (Narrative) - Personal Identity -> seeing yourself reflected in text, Hypodermic needle, Uses 
and Gratification -> Escapism

S (Social) – Teens represented as troublemakers in society today -> Up to no good  "The teen boys' 'brand' has become toxic

H (Historical) – The Mods and the Rockers -> working class teenagers who created moral panics in the 1960s -> Stanley Cohen -> Folk Devils and Moral Panics

E (Economical) - oppressed the youth through cuts such as community centres, benefits (ema) university fees, etc

P (Political) – Hatred towards politics and the police -> Merton -> pressure to conform to the norm can cause deviant behaviour when the opportunity to achieve by legitimate means is blocked

Issues and Debates

Moral Panics -> media have caused moral panics, by identifying a group as ‘folk’ devils and exaggerating the threat they pose, Moral panics are created through different media texts e.g. films, magazines, articles (London riots which caused widespread panic, gives an image that all teens are antisocial and troublemakers)

Representation and Stereotypes -> Delinquents, labelled either as chavs or asbos, represented to be troublemakers

Media effects -> Hypodermic needle -> feeding people the image that teens are delinquents, ‘News is not discovered but manufactured’ -> Stanley Cohen

News Values -> how the news reported it, exaggerating stats, blaming one ethnicity for moral panics such as the riots 


Gender and ethnicity -> Howard Becker -> Self fulfilling prophecy living up to label attached to you

Moral Panics -> Jock Young and Stanley Cohen – Folk Devils and Moral Panics 

Schlesinger and Tumbler -> Found Correlation between media consumption and fear of crime, with tabloid readers and heavy users of TV expressing greater fear of becoming a victim

Merton -> pressure to conform to the norm can cause deviant behaviour when the opportunity to achieve by legitimate means is blocked

Contempary Media Landscape -> My topic fits into the contempary media landscape as it’s a current event that can be related to teenagers in today’s society, i.e. me 

Main Texts

London Riots
 Ill manors

Other texts

Top Boy

TV Documentaries 

Panorama – The Riots

Sky 1/ YouTube -  Ross Kemp on gangs

BBC iplayer – Gang Life

Real Time: A Youth Prison Documentary (2003)

Academic texts/books

AQA A2 Sociology – Keith Trobe, Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Liz Steel

Youth and Crime (2004) - John Muncie

Yob Nation – Francis Gilbert

Jock Young and Stanley Cohen – Folk Devils and Moral Panics

Youth, Crime & the Media (1997 ) - Richard Hil, Judith Bessant

Internet Links

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