Gender and Ethnicity
Laura Mulvey -> Male gaze -> Visuals pleasures for men, seeing women from the mens point of view
Ethnography -> A form of research where the researcher attempts to understand the culture by becoming a part of it
Representation -> the media construct versions of people, places etc., through media texts -> representations of gender increasingly challenge traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity
Gendered consumption -> The way that gender affects our consumption of media texts
Almy et al -> media representations of gender are important because they enter the collective social conscience and reinforce culturally dominant (hegemonic) ideas about gender which represent males as dominant and females as subordinate.
Judith Butler -> gender roles are socially constructed
Stuart Hall -> Negative representation of black people in period films -> negative stereotypes as reinforcing dominant ideologies
Sexism -> Discrimination on the basis of sex -> especially against women -> patriarchy is the main cause
Howard Becker -> Self fulfilling prophecy living up to label attached to you
David Gauntlet
Red Herrings
BFI -> British Film Industry
Folk Devil -> Groups in society, that are targeted or demonised by the media
Hybrid -> Cross between one film genre and another
Media Dependency Theory -> Audiences depend on media information to meet needs and reach goals, social institutions and media systems interact with audiences to create needs, interests, and motives in the person
Pixar -> Digital animation company
Websites used
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