Production Title: Street Fighter
Aim: To create a music
video combining both the music and video game genre. We aim to make the music
video last around the 2-3 minute mark in order to keep the attention of the
viewer, covering most of the codes and conventions of a typical music video
Description of your
We are going to make a
remake of the song sung by D Double E - Street Fighter Riddim, as this song ties into all three of our critical investigations . We shall combine
the music genre and the video game genre by portraying the controlling of the
character within the music video by a video game controller, showing how the
ruling class (person with controller) control society (HEGEMONY)
To do this we will need to
film in an remote location or preferably the drama studio as we can also alter the lighting) so that the effects
added such as the health bar etc can be seen. There would be two characters one protagonist and one antagonist (Binary Opposition)
Target Audience: Teen
demographic, C1, D, E, Primary audience, but over 16 as there may be some violence and explicit
language used, institution may be channel aka as this is a British grime production
Similar Products: UNIQUE, no
other similar products apart from the street fighter music video itself.
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