Thursday, 13 September 2012


The Guardian:

·         Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - epic that takes games industry to new level”

·         Title expected to bring in £150m in UK in first week

Wallmart Advert

Both use humour as a way of grabbing the audience’s attention, different approach to promoting their product.

TV Banned Advert                                  

   Launch Trailer                                             

Portrays patriarchy as the trailer shows a male dominated army force, Also a very patriotic launch trailer -> American soldiers going out to war -> American flag shown several times to reinforce this idea.

“Entertainment software, games consoles and PC gaming accessories generated a total of £2.875 billion in the UK”                 
In the UK, the average video game player is over 23 years old, has played video games for over 10 years, and spends around 12.6 hours a week playing video games.

Casual gamer - A casual gamer is a player whose time or interest in playing games is limited.

Hardcore gamer - Hardcore gamers prefer to take significant time and practice on games, and tend to play more involved games that require larger amounts of time to complete or master.

Norway shooting -> that Anders Behring Breivik claims in his manifesto that he used this video game to perpetrate the 2011 Norway attacks. Coop Norway, a chain of retail stores in Norway, removed this video game from its shelves as a result of this attack

The Telegraph 10/10
“The biggest game of 2009. The sequel to one of the most successful first person shooter (FPS) titles of all time”

“Modern Warfare 2 nails the three pillars of play--campaign, cooperative, and multiplayer--to earn its place in the pantheon of moern shooters”

IGN 9.4
“Brutal, bombastic and every inch the videogame equivalent of a Hollywood blockbuster!

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